Monday, May 12, 2014

Room Two ways!

So, I am posting a bit earlier than expected for "One Room 2 Ways" but I  couldn't resist and am beyond excited to have two fantastic bloggers that have participated in the series. I decided to do two of these in one week!  My first post is from the lovely Brandi from Flights of Whimsy! If you guys haven't seen her blog yet you must go take a gander cause she has some fab images and great ideas. PLUS she is awesome and rully rully nice.
I asked her to style something in two ways and she sent me these images of her vintage vanity that she scored from a flea market for 100 bucks.

Make sure you visit Brandi and tell her I said Hi!

The first version she called her "vintage look"  

This was the "Glam and Colorful" look


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